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BART is Facing a Fiscal Cliff

BART is essential to the Bay AreaView and download our fiscal cliff fact sheet.The Bay Area works best when everyone can get around. No matter the col
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A long-term and reliable funding source is needed to avoid service cutsBART is working with the region’s transit operators, the Metropolitan Transport
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Potential Consequences of a Fiscal Cliff60-minute train frequencies9pm closuresStation closuresLine shutdownsNo weekend serviceMass layoffsIncreased t
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BART Deputy Chief of Police on BART’s 1972 opening day and a lifetime riding trains

BART Deputy Chief of Police on BART’s 1972 opening day and a lifetime riding trains A young Kevin Franklin with his mother and grandparents. Photos courtesy of Kevin Franklin.

Update, 10.02.23: Kevin Franklin was appointed as Chief of Police in October 2023.

For almost-three-year-old Kevin Franklin, riding BART for the first time was something of a wonder. The trains were big, shiny, and fast. The stations, grandiose and cathedral-like. And the people watching, unparalleled.

Franklin was one of the lucky Bay Area residents to ride BART the day it all began. He and his family attended opening day of the regional transit system on Sept. 11, 1972, taking the train from Lake Merritt Station to Fremont Station and back. Though the ride took just about an hour, it left a lasting impression on Franklin, who now serves as Deputy Chief of Police for the BART Police Department (BPD). Franklin joined BPD in 1996.

“BART was something that made a kid feel like they could go anywhere,” he said, speaking from his office near Lake Merritt Station. “It was like BART connected me to all these places to go that were so much fun.”

In one photograph from the day – the opening of BART was something you’d be sure to bring a camera to – a bite-sized Franklin can be seen holding his mother’s hand on the platform, smiling as his grandparents look on. In another black-and-white image, Franklin peers into the Train Operator’s cab, his tiny hands on the glass.


For Franklin, it’s a point of pride to have ridden BART on its first day out of the gate. He said it makes him feel “nostalgic and connected” to a transit system he’s used almost his entire life.

“I see so many things that are still the same,” he said, noting a church in the background of a photo that’s still standing and a parking lot that hasn’t been razed. “I’m connected to it in a lot of ways.”

Of course, not everything has stayed the same. Exhibit A: a man smoking a corncob pipe in the background of the above photo.

BART Deputy Chief of Police on BART’s 1972 opening day and a lifetime riding trains

A young Franklin peers inside the Train Operator cab.

Growing up in Oakland, Franklin remembers how BART seemed to “open up the Bay Area.”

“We could go anywhere,” he said. “I remember riding down to Fremont, and it felt like it was almost a foreign country because it was so far away. But you could get there on BART.” Often, he’d hop on BART “just to go someplace,” with no destination in mind.

BART Deputy Chief of Police on BART’s 1972 opening day and a lifetime riding trains Franklin’s grandparents on BART.

Though he doesn’t clearly recall BART’s 1972 opening day, he does remember many opening days thereafter – especially the first day San Francisco International Airport Station went into service, in 2003.

“We were standing on the platform when the very first train arrived carrying the travelers heading off to their destinations around the world,” Franklin said. He could feel a twinge of recognition with those bleary-eyed travelers, taking BART to a location where once there was no BART. Franklin even had a hand in planning the station and its safety features.

Franklin has also seen BART evolve and change profoundly. He saw ridership explode in the 90s onwards, parking lots become multistoried garages, and stations that started as ideas open to the public.

“It felt like the expansion of BART really changed what a police officer had to do,” he said. “It was a lot simpler in the 80s, when there were fewer passengers, facilities, and stations. The 90s were that period where things really started to grow.”

Franklin rose in the ranks at BPD, starting as a police officer. In 2007, he was promoted to Lieutenant, and in 2020, became Deputy Chief.

One of the most profound changes Franklin experienced in his tenure as a police officer came after the tragic shooting death of Oscar Grant by a BPD officer.

“That was a world-changing event for us and for the community,” he said. “We went through that and had a lot of pain, and a lot of change came out of that.”

In the aftermath of the tragedy, BPD showed its “willingness to innovate,” Franklin said. “This was a situation where we had an opportunity to grow and change. So, we did, in training, hiring, supervision – nearly every facet of the department.”

BART Deputy Chief of Police on BART’s 1972 opening day and a lifetime riding trains

A young Franklin with his mom and grandparents.

In 2021, BPD formally established its Progressive Policing Bureau, which seeks to deploy unarmed civilians in situations where an armed police officer may not be appropriate, such as mental health crises.  

“The ultimate success of the bureau will be determined by the results we get in the coming years,” Franklin said. “We’re getting a lot of positive feedback. People want to see us responding.”

There’s a reason the word “public” is wedged into “public transportation” – the stations and trains are welcome to all who pay their fare. That can sometimes pose problems for policing, as the issues present on the Bay Area’s streets are also visible in BART stations.

“We’re not going to arrest our way out of that,” Franklin said. “The root causes are mental health and economic issues.”

BART Deputy Chief of Police on BART’s 1972 opening day and a lifetime riding trains Kevin Franklin with his parents (right) and son (left) at Lake Merritt Station on BART’s 50th anniversary.

Nonetheless, BART’s Progressive Policing Bureau is a step in the right direction, Franklin said.

“What have we done and accomplished in 26 years?” he pondered. “The growth is great. But implementing a crisis intervention team is groundbreaking.”

While BART has changed profoundly in its 50 years, so has Franklin. But that sense of wonder a young boy felt riding BART remains to this day. Still, Franklin can recall that majestic feeling of seeing the Port of Oakland cranes creep along the shoreline, only to enter the darkness of the Transbay Tube, then emerge in downtown San Francisco, dwarfed by skyscrapers.

“I just remember feeling so small,” he said.

For more information about BPD, visit

BPD is hiring. Learn more about the department on and explore employment opportunities at The department is offering a $15,000 hiring bonus for laterals and academy graduates.

50 years of BART: Everything found in BART’s 30-year-old time capsule

The plaque for the 1992 time capsule.
An assortment of the items found in the capsule.
Dirt from the Market Street Subway groundbreaking, 1967.
A circuit board from the Operations Control Center.
A coaster from the 1991 groundbreaking of Dublin/Pleasanton and West Pittsburg stations.
A cassette tape featuring a KCBS special on BART for its 20th anniversary
An Automatic Train Control component.
Source code for the Computer Automatic Block System.
A 20th anniversary t-shirt.
A VHS Tape documenting the 1991 BART extension.
A survey marker from BART’s construction.

Thirty years ago, on BART’s twentieth anniversary, we buried a time capsule deep in the ground at Lake Merritt Station and Plaza in Oakland.

Until recently, only BART employees from three decades ago knew what lay inside. But, on the occasion of our 50th anniversary, BART recently pulled the time capsule from the earth and peered inside.

The silver metal container stands about two-feet-high. When we unburied it, we discovered inside 60 items. The contents include objects acquired from the inception of BART onwards, with plenty of 20th anniversary merch. There was dirt from the Market St. Subway groundbreaking in 1967. There was a survey marker from BART’s construction. And, befitting the 90s era, a cassette, VHS, and magnetic tape containing source code for BART’s old Computer Automatic Block System.

Some train equipment made it in the capsule, wedged among t-shirts and labor agreements, business cards and employee signatures. Among the equipment was a circuit board, a thyristor that controls motor current, and Automatic Fare Collection equipment that made the fare gates and ticket machines work.

In all, the time capsule reminds us of not just BART’s history, but the history of the Bay Area at-large. It transports us back in time – to an age of Tamagotchi and Nirvana – and helps us look toward the future. BART is, after all, burying a time capsule to be opened in 25 years, on our 75th anniversary. On Saturday, Sept. 10, public officials took to the stage at Lake Merritt Station and Plaza to deposit items in this new time capsule. The additions included a Clipper card, Fleet of the Future socks, a Not One More Girl poster, a BART 50th t-shirt, a resolution from 1992, a personal handstrap, a 2022 BART Pride sticker, a BART pandemic mask, some of the best tweets from the BART Twitter account, and a 50th anniversary pin given to employees for the occasion. 

Look through the above slideshow for some highlights from the 1992 time capsule and click here for a full catalogue of the items held within.

A History of BART: The Project Begins

A section of the Transbay Tube being lowered into San Francisco Bay., tubelowered380.png
Previously:The Concept is BornBART construction officially began on June 19, 1964, with President Lyndon Johnson presiding over the ground-breaking ce
BART employees in the 1970s, 70s-bart-representatives-2.png
Engineering History was MadeThe contract for the production and delivery of BART's revolutionary electric transit cars was signed with Rohr Industries

BART & Capitol Corridor Transfers

BART's Richmond Station offers easy connections to Capitol Corridor and San Joaquins trains. All agencies are working together to better serve the reg
Effective January 13, 2025View, print or download the weekday transfer timetableView, print or download the Saturday transfer timetableView, print or
Saturday timetable
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Sunday timetable
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A History of BART: The Concept is Born

Artist's rendering of BART on the Golden Gate Bridge., BARTonGGB380.png
The following is a comprehensive narrative of the history of BART. You may also be interested in the book: BART the Dramatic History of the Bay Area R
BART employees in the 1970s., staffatlakemerritt380.png
Hundreds of meetings were held in the District communities to encourage local citizen participation in the development of routes and station locations

A History of BART: The Project is Rescued

President Richard M. Nixon and his wife, Pat, take a BART ride., nixonontrain380.png
Previously:The Project BeginsWith funds to complete the system assured, construction contracts were returned to their original scope, the work quickly
Original BART map., BART_OriginalMap.png
A New Railroad Takes ShapeAs the project moved into 1970, the wide range of system construction passed its peak, and contracts were being completed wi

BART Connects

About BART ConnectsThe BART Connects storytelling series was launched in 2023 to showcase the real people who ride and rely on BART and illustrate the
BART takes college student Kassandra Santillan to her dream school., Kassandra Santillan_006.jpg, BART and the African-American Shakespeare Company “help each other grow and succeed”, sherri 1.jpg, BART gave a civic architect “a sense of what was possible” for urban design, 112023_Howard Wong_220.jpg, Why Eric’s students at the Orientation Center for the Blind ‘fall in love’ with BART when they come to the Bay, Eric Mazariegos_533.jpg, A young woman from East Oakland says she "wouldn't be where I am today" without BART, 021024_Erica Mitchell_199.jpg, A transit wedding happened naturally for these newlyweds (Photo: Anya McInroy), Mahalia_Ben_Married-448.jpg, Bay Area dad uses BART to spend time with his teenaged daughter, 112223_Ed Cabrera_098.jpg, BART is a local teen photographer's muse, 011824_Owen Flaherty_114.jpg, BART showed Steve and Vanessa that "there is life out there", thumbnail - Steve Vanessa video.png, After moving away from the Bay as a child, a young rider stayed connected to the region through BART, Giovanna Lomanto_329.jpg, How BART's Small Business Support Services uplifts one trailblazing local business owner, 022624_Sandra Escalante_024.jpg, BART has carried Elvis Herselvis to drag performances for 30 years, DragKing_PChang-3026-L.jpg, A college student’s career ambitions – and romance – blossomed thanks to BART, 021224_Kevin DeAntoni_007.jpg, Orion Academy in Concord relocated its campus to be closer to BART, pic2.jpg, A working mom remembers when her only downtime each day was her BART ride, Linda Healey_338.jpg, With $300 in her wallet and a dream, one BART track operator forged her own path, thu1.jpg, Sam uses their BART System Map tattoo to give directions, 070324_Sam Johnson_016.jpg
BART takes a second-year college student to her dream school, Kassandra Santillan_006.jpg, Read the StoryIn August, Kassandra Santillan started her second year at San Francisco State University, her dream college where she studies microbiolo, BART gave a civic architect “a sense of what was possible” for urban design, 112023_Howard Wong_220.jpg, Read the Story Howard Wong grew up riding public transportation around San Francisco. He remembers well when BART opened for service in 1972; the expe, A Bay Area dad uses BART to spend time with his teenaged daughter, 112223_Ed Cabrera_098.jpg, Read the StoryEd Cabrera lives in Oakland, and he frequently travels into San Francisco to hang out with his teenaged daughter, Elyse, when she’s stay, A high school for gifted neurodivergent youth relocated to be closer to BART, pic2.jpg, Read the StoryOrion Academy, a high school for gifted youth who are neurodivergent, relocated in 2022 to be closer to a BART station. More than half o, BART is a local teen photographer's muse, 011824_Owen Flaherty_114.jpg, Read the StoryMost people see BART as a means to an end, a space you pass through to get where you need to go. Owen Flaherty sees BART as a portal to , A transit wedding happened naturally for these newlyweds, Mahalia_Ben_Married-448.jpg, Read the StoryMahalia LeClerc and Benjamin Frisbey never set out to have a transit wedding. It just kind of happened that way.  “We were never like, l, A young woman from East Oakland says she "wouldn't be where I am today" without BART, 021024_Erica Mitchell_199.jpg, Read the StoryBART runs like a thread through every stage of Erica Mitchell’s existence. You might say the system map is a tapestry of her life, woven, A working mom remembers when her only downtime each day was her BART ride, Linda Healey_338.jpg, Read the Story Linda Healey commuted to San Francisco from Walnut Creek for more than twenty years. When her son was young, those daily BART rides wer, After moving away from the Bay as a child, a young rider stayed connected to the region through BART, Giovanna Lomanto_329.jpg, Read the StoryWhen Giovanna Lomanto was young, her family moved from Daly City to Sacramento. After the move, she always looked forward to her family’, A new Bay Area resident's first glimpse of the U.S. was through the windows of a BART train, MARCOBUSCHINI-BART-SFO-DIGITAL-5.jpg, Read the StoryKatelyn Breaty and her family immigrated from the Philippines ten years ago. She got her first glimpse of the place she’d now call home , How BART's Small Business Support Services uplifts one trailblazing local business owner, 022624_Sandra Escalante_024.jpg, Read the StoryIn the construction world, small business owner Sandra Escalante said she is often referred to as a “unicorn.”  “I’m a woman, a minority, BART showed Steve and Vanessa that "there is life out there", thumbnail - Steve Vanessa video.png, Read the StoryJuly 26, 2024, marks the 34th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which was signed into law on July 26, 1990. The , A college student’s career ambitions – and romance – blossomed thanks to BART, 021224_Kevin DeAntoni_007.jpg, Read the StoryIn just a year of riding BART, Kevin DeAntoni made a decision. When he graduates from San Francisco State in a few years, he’s going to , BART has carried Elvis Herselvis to drag performances for 30 years, DragKing_PChang-3394-L.jpg, Read the StoryElvis Presley loved his bubblegum pink Cadillac. Elvis Herselvis prefers a blue-and-white ride. Her vehicle is roomier than that Fleetwo, With $300 in her wallet and a dream, one BART track operator forged her own path, thu1.jpg, Read the StoryOn a recent Saturday morning, Thu Nguyen made her way to the Hayward Maintenance Complex, where a dozen workers were busy uprooting old , Why Eric’s students at the Orientation Center for the Blind ‘fall in love’ with BART when they come to the Bay, Eric Mazariegos_533.jpg, Read the StoryEric Mazariegos has been taking BART “forever.”  His earliest BART memory is riding trains to eye doctor appointments in San Francisco w, BART and the African-American Shakespeare Company “help each other grow and succeed”, sherri 1.jpg, Read the StoryLifelong BART rider Sherri Young took a major gamble in 2015 when she transferred the African-American Shakespeare Company from a 200-se, Sam uses their BART System Map tattoo to give directions, 070324_Sam Johnson_016.jpg, Read the storyWhen Sam Johnson sees someone lost in a BART station, they roll up their sleeve and show them a bicep. Etched five layers deep into the
 BART Connects: The AdvertisementsThe riders of BART Connects are featured in a new advertising campaign that is posted on trains throughout the syste
BARTConnects_LeighCrow.png, BARTConnects_SherriYoung.jpg, BARTConnects_EricMazariegos.png, BARTConnects_OwenFlaherty.png, BARTConnects_ThuNguyen.png, BARTConnects_KevinDeantoni.png, BARTConnects_EdCabrera.png, BARTConnects_SamJohnson.png, BARTConnects_LindaHealey.png, BARTConnects_HowardWong.png

Using BART

Welcome to BART!Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) connects the San Francisco Peninsula with communities in the East Bay and South Bay. BART service curren
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Operating Hours, BART operates during the following hours:Weekdays (5:00 am - 12:00 am) Saturday (6:00 am - 12:00 am)Sunday (8:00 am - 12:00 am)Why doesn't BART run 24
Fares and Clipper Cards, Fare CalculatorFares OverviewWhere to BuyClipper is now the only fare product available to purchase fares systemwide. There is a $3 acquisition fee to
Safety and Security, BART is continually upgrading safety and security measures to help keep our riders and employees out of harm's way. Please follow these important safe
Accessible Services, BART has a number of features to make it easier for seniors and persons with disabilities to use the system.Learn more about discount tickets, elevato
Title VI, BART is committed to complying with the requirements of Title VI in all of its federally funded programs and activities. Any person who believes they
Social Resources, BART is developing a strategic plan- a coordinated and comprehensive approach that maintains a safe and clean environment for riders—while connecting
Safe & Clean Plan, BART is rolling up its sleeves to make sure riders feel safe, to keep our trains cleaner than ever, and to provide the best service yet – from departu