Legislative Advocacy

BART’s federal and state advocacy efforts are guided by annual goals adopted by the Board of Directors. The goals reflect BART’s legislative priorities and provide guidance for the District's activities in Washington, D.C. and Sacramento.

2025 Federal Advocacy Goals

  • Support Fiscal Year 2026 (FY26) appropriations levels consistent with those authorized in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)/Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).
  • Submit Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending requests to federal delegation to support priority projects.
  • Engage in early discussions regarding surface transportation reauthorization; Advocate for new formula funding for transit operations, eligibility of state of good repair capital investments, and other policies favorable to the District.
  • Educate our Congressional delegation on BART's priorities within a regional transportation revenue measure; Engage members in discussions on enabling legislation sponsored by the District or the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC).
  • Continue to educate our Congressional delegation and the Administration on BART’s responsible stewardship of emergency relief funding and recent efforts to increase revenue, trim costs and operate more efficiently.
  • Provide our Congressional delegation and the Administration on activities within the Progressive Policing and Community Engagement Bureau and progress on the Next Generation Fare Gates project.
  • Seek additional funding for cybersecurity measures and support increased appropriations for the Transit Security Grant Program.
  • Engage our Congressional delegation and agency staff in support of grant applications and explore opportunities to improve BART's eligibility and competitiveness under existing and potentially new programs for priority projects and to address the District's backlog of urgent state of good repair needs.
  • Monitor the ongoing legal dispute surrounding the Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA) and support efforts to ensure federal funding continues to flow to California transit agencies.

2025 State Advocacy Goals

  • Engage in efforts coordinated by MTC to develop enabling legislation for a regional transportation revenue measure to be placed on the November 2026 ballot.
  • Parallel to a bill led by MTC, BART will work to secure additional legislative authority for new funding mechanisms within future BART District measures.
  • Advocate that transit funding within the FY26 State Budget not be eliminated, shifted, or used for non-transit purposes.
  • Work with our state delegation offices to submit budget requests that align with BART priorities.
  • As a member of the Transit Transformation Task Force, participate in the development of a final report to the Legislature that provides fundings and recommendations on how to grow transit ridership, improve the transit experience, and increase opportunities for transit operations funding.
  • Engage with transit agency partners and the California Transit Association on the reauthorization of the Cap and Trade Program and advocate for new funding for transit operations, eligibility of state of good repair investments, and other policies favorable to the District.
  • Engage in legislative efforts concerning transit worker and rider safety such as enhance penalties for crimes against transit workers and expansion of prohibition order authority.
  • Pursue state grant funding to support transit-oriented development (TOD), supporting infrastructure, and station access improvements.
  • Support legislation to encourage density of housing and jobs near transit.
  • Engage in efforts to refine California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exemptions for transit projects and explore other opportunities for permitting reform.

Legislative Positions

Every year BART engages in advocacy efforts on federal and state bills that are of critical importance to the District. Often the Board of Directors will support or oppose specific bills according to their adopted goals and priorities. Each section will be updated as bills are introduced. 

State Legislation (2025 - 2026 Session)

Bill No.AuthorTitlePosition
AB 259B. RubioOpen meetings: local agencies: teleconferencesSupport
AB 394WilsonCrimes: public transportation providersSupport
SB 71WienerCalifornia Environmental Quality Act: exemptions: transit projectsSupport
SB 239ArreguínOpen meetings: teleconferences: subsidiary bodySupport
SB 276WienerCity and County of San Francisco: merchandising salesSupport

Federal Legislation (119th Congress)

Bill No.AuthorTitlePosition

For questions regarding BART’s Legislative Advocacy Program contact:

Alex Walker

Manager of Government Relations and Legislative Affairs

[email protected]
