How to File a Complaint:
If you would like to file a complaint with the Office of the Independent Police Auditor against a member of the BART Police Department, please call (510) 874-7477. You may also fill out a complaint form – see below. Although a form is not required to initiate a complaint, a completed form will contain much information that is needed to conduct a thorough investigation.
If you would like to make a complaint against BART District Personnel (non-police), please call (510) 464-6000. To contact the BART Police Department, please call (510) 464-7029 or click here for more contact information.
Complaint Form
Download and complete the complaint form (link to fillable PDF form), then email, mail or fax it to us. Alternatively, fill out the online complaint form. Our contact details are provided below.
Complaint Process | OIPA Informational Brochure
Read our informational brochure (English) to find out what happens after you file a complaint. Brochures are also available in Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Braille brochures are available upon request.
OIPA Contact Information:
BART Office of the Independent Police Auditor
2150 Webster Street, 4th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 874-7477 | Fax: (510) 874-7475
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.bart.gov/policeauditor
OIPA Staff
Patrick J. Caceres, Interim Independent Police Auditor
Sarah Celso, Independent Police Administrator
Gianina Irlando, Stakeholder Engagement Administrator
S. Wyeth McAdam, Independent Police Investigator
Interpretive services are available by calling BART Language Assistance Services at (510) 464-6752.
You may also file a complaint with the BART Police Civilian Review Board by making a public comment at one of their meetings. Or you can file a complaint with the BART Police Department Office of Internal Affairs by calling (510) 464-7029 or by emailing [email protected].
Every individual regardless of religion, race, immigration or documentation status, or national origin should feel safe to seek and obtain assistance from OIPA. You can file a complaint if you are not a citizen and regardless of your immigration status.
Mission & Duties:
Mission Statement
It is OIPA's mission to provide all members of the public with effective and independent oversight of the BART Police Department by conducting unbiased and thorough independent investigations and reviews of police department investigations, making policy recommendations to improve the performance of the police department, and maintaining continual communication with members of the public in the BART service area.
As defined by the BART Civilian Oversight Model adopted by the BART Board of Directors, OIPA is charged with a number of specific duties. Among them are the following:
- May accept and investigate any complaint of misconduct
- Any person may file a complaint
- Monitor and review BART Police Department Internal Affairs Bureau investigations
- Provide a mediation option for resolving some complaints
- Respond to the scene of officer-involved shooting incidents and monitor the ensuing BART Police Department investigation
Racial Equity Statement:
The BART Office of the Independent Police Auditor (OIPA) was created to provide an effective independent civilian oversight system that promotes integrity and encourages systemic change and improvement in the police that service the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART). OIPA functions include ensuring that internal police accountability system functions properly; that behavioral, procedural, and policy deficiencies are identified and appropriately addressed, including racial profiling and allegations of racially abusive treatment; and that complaints are investigated through an objective and fair process for all parties involved.
At OIPA, we recognize the importance of applying a racial equity lens to all aspects of our work. We acknowledge the impact of centuries of systemic racism and the continuing harm it causes for communities of color, especially for Black, Brown, and Indigenous people.
This Racial Equity Commitment is presented here with an understanding and an intention that the document and its contents are iterative and ever evolving as we continue to learn and as we absorb meaningful input from all the people we serve.
We are committed to improving racial justice and equity in all our practices and we will ensure that our procedures reflect our commitment to addressing the impact of and mitigating or alleviating the harm caused by racial disparities on the overall mental and physical health of all the communities BART serves.
Law enforcement has historically had a central role in the perpetuation of racial bias and discrimination as the primary tool for suppressing resistance to anti-racist activity. Law enforcement has been employed nationally and globally to do so. The tactics used to effect that suppression have frequently included violence and disregard for constitutionally protected freedoms.
As an independent civilian oversight agency, we are deeply committed to ensuring that all of the BART Police Department’s (BPD) law enforcement practices and policies are approached in a way that is fair, unbiased, and equitable for all.
To move toward the goals of racial equity, we are committed to the following:
- We will review and revise BPD practices, policies, and procedures to mitigate, and where practical eliminate, the application of racial biases and discrimination.
- We will engage in anti-bias and anti-racism training and encourage BPD personnel to be equipped with the tools and knowledge to serve diverse communities with dignity and respect.
- We shall seek out and listen to authentic community input and concerns to ensure that we are responsive to addressing the needs of communities.
- We will conduct regular data analyses to identify and address racial disparities in policing outcomes.
- We will ensure that our investigations serve as the central part of the accountability process in connection with any individual discriminatory behavior or actions by BPD officers.
We understand that this work requires perseverance, devotion, and an enduring dedication to transformation. We will listen to the many voices in our communities, work appropriately with law enforcement and hold ourselves accountable for creating a more equitable and just BART Police Department.