San Francisco Station Escalator Replacement

The Market Street Escalators Renovation Project will install and replace escalators at Embarcadero, Montgomery, Powell and Civic Center Stations. Of the escalators to be replaced, 22 are street to concourse level and 18 connect concourse with station platforms. Additionally, a street level escalator at Civic Center Station will be installed at  the entrance nearest to the Orpheum Theatre which currently has only stairs.

Progress Report

As of 2/21/25

CompletedWork UnderwayFuture WorkTotal



  • Embarcadero Station platform level X2
  • Embarcadero Station street level
  • Montgomery St. platform level X4
  • Montgomery St. street level
  • Powell St. Station platform level x4
  • Powell St. Station street level
  • Civic Center Station platform level X3
  • Civic Center Station street level

Work Underway:

  • Embarcadero Station platform level
  • Embarcadero Station street level
  • Montgomery St. Station platform level
  • Powell St. Station platform level
  • Civic Center Station platform level

Future Work:

  • Embarcadero Station platform level: 1
  • Embarcadero Station street level: 5
  • Montgomery St. Station street level: 6
  • Powell St. Station street level: 4
  • Civic Center Station street level: 4

Map of Escalators (In order: Embarcadero, Montgomery, Powell and Civic Center)

A map of Embarcadero Station showing current entrance status
Map of Embarcadero Station showing entrance status
Montgomery St. Station entrance status
Map of Montgomery Street Station showing entrance status
Map of Powell Street Station showing canopies and escalator replacements
Map of Powell Street Station showing entrance status
A map of Civic Center showing entrance status
Map of Civic Center Station showing entrance status

Project Overview

On March 14, 2019, The BART Board of Directors approved the single largest contract for escalator replacement in BART history. The $96.5 million contract for the Market Street Escalators Renovation Project will install and replace 41 escalators at Embarcadero, Montgomery, Powell and Civic Center Stations. Of the escalators to be replaced, 22 are street to concourse level and 18 connect concourse with station platforms. Additionally, a street level escalator at Civic Center Station will be relocated to the entrance closest to the Orpheum Theatre which currently has only stairs.

The project will enhance rider safety and escalator reliability.  A key provision of the program requires the contractor to maintain a reliability rate of at least 96% for the new escalators during the life of the nearly ten-year contract. It’s anticipated BART can complete work on six escalators per year, though COVID-19 presented challenges in 2021 and 2022. 

Phase Two of the Measure RR funded escalator overhaul program will involve 38 escalators at downtown Oakland's 12th St. and 19th St. Stations, and at San Francisco's 16th/Mission St. and 24th/Mission St. Stations. Future phases will involve the remaining 96 escalators.

The new escalators incorporate the latest technology with multiple improvements.

Graphic showing benefits of the Escalator Modernization Program

The parallel canopy project is bringing as many as 22 new entrances to downtown San Francisco stations that include new entrance gates, screens with real-time transit information, and multiple security cameras.

An edition of our podcast series “Hidden Tracks Stories from BART” features Mark Dana, the former manager of the Market Street Escalators Renovation Project. The new escalators are built especially for the challenges they'll face at BART and are a key part of the plan to revitalize the entrances to some of BART's busiest stations.