Picture of expanded station at El Cerrito del Norte and Ohlone Greenway.
In Spring 2021, BART completed work to upgrade and expand El Cerrito del Norte BART Station to relieve crowding, improve accessibility, reduce fare evasion, and enhance the customer experience.
Building off of the El Cerrito del Norte Station Modernization Plan, the following improvements were made:
- Expansion of the paid area of the station, including a new station agent booth and new fare gates
- Two new elevators and stairwells within the paid area providing access to the platform
- New passenger restrooms
- New public art installations (Read more about the murals, titled "El Cerrito Homes", designed and installed by artist Kyungmi Shin here)
- New LED energy-efficient lighting throughout the station
- Accessibility (ADA) improvements throughout the station.
- Adding stormwater pollution solutions
El Cerrito del Norte Station art walls
Addressing Stormwater Pollution with Bioswales
Cars are a main source of water pollution in the Bay Area. That’s because leaking fluids like oil and particles from exhaust and other contaminants end up on our roads and then are washed untreated into storm drains that lead directly into our waterways. Birds, fish, and other animals are then exposed to the pollutants.
We are committed to protecting those waterways--that is why we have put in two Bioswale areas in the Station parking lots. The purpose of a Bioswale is to hold stormwater runoff & to protect local waterways from stormwater pollutants. Shrubs are planted along the Bioswale perimeters & hydroseed mix with vegetation is added to the remaining areas within Bioswale.
1st Bioswale is located between sidewalk along the east edge of west permit parking area & bus drive aisle. The area is about 10’(W)x360’(L) from Hill St towards Cutting Blvd
2nd Bioswale is located along the west edge of west permit parking area & along the east side of San Pablo Ave NB. The area is about 10’(W)x200’(L) from Hill St towards Cutting Blvd
Learn more about our efforts to prevent storm water pollution at https://www.bart.gov/sustainability/water
Project Completion Timing
Phase 1 was completed in February 2021.
Phase 2 was completed in March 2021
These improvements were funded through a combination of State of California Proposition 1B Funds, Contra Costa County Measure J funds, and other funds. The project was closely coordinated with the City of El Cerrito's Ohlone Greenway BART Station Area Access, Safety and Placemaking Improvements project.
Construction Updates
El Cerrito del Norte Station Modernization Plan
In 2013, BART completed a Station Modernization Plan for both El Cerrito del Norte and El Cerrito Plaza BART stations, providing a long-term vision for improvements that could be phased in over time at each station as funding becomes available. The Plan addressed station functionality, safety, capacity, sustainability, appearance, and customer experience. El Cerrito del Norte was selected for implementation first due to the station's higher ridership and importance as a regional transportation hub.
For more information, view the final report here:
El Cerrito Plaza and del Norte Station Modernization Plans - 2013 (PDF)
Please contact BART Project Manager Wahid Amiri at wamiri@bart.gov with any questions.
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