Audit Committee Overview
The Audit Committee for the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) assists the Board of Directors in discharging its oversight responsibilities for financial management, operational effectiveness, ethics, and regulatory compliance of the District, specifically in the areas under the direction of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), the Controller-Treasurer, and Performance and Budget.
The role of the Audit Committee is to provide independent oversight and advice to the Board of Directors regarding the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, reliability of reporting for internal and external use, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. It achieves this by providing a forum to discuss and pursue opportunities for improvements in business and performance operations, financial and nonfinancial reporting, and internal controls, as identified through audit and investigation reports of the District, whether conducted internally or by an external entity.
The Audit Committee is comprised of five voting members, including three Board Directors and two public members with governmental financial expertise. It meets at least four times per year, with authority to convene additional meetings as needed.
The Audit Committee is a legislative body for the purposes of the Brown Act. Accordingly, committee meetings are open public meetings subject to the noticing and meeting requirements under this law except in those proceedings where a closed session may be appropriate and required.
Please refer to the Audit Committee Charter for additional information.
Members of the BART Audit Committee
- Director Matthew Rinn, Chairperson
- Director Edward Wright, Vice Chairperson
- Director Barnali Ghosh, Board Member
- Thomas Parry, Public Member
- Melissa Wong, Public Member
Agendas and Meeting Videos
To review meeting announcements and agendas for the Audit Committee, please visit the Agenda and Minutes section. To view meeting videos, please visit the Agenda and Minutes or BART Board TV section. Please contact the Office of the District Secretary at (510) 464-6083 with any questions.
Contact the BART Audit Committee
The best way to get in contact with the Audit Committee is to come to a meeting, but you can also contact the Audit Committee through the Office of the District Secretary at [email protected] or (510) 464-6083.