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New escalator and canopy open at downtown SF stations

The two projects transforming entrances at downtown San Francisco BART stations made significant progress in the first month of 2025.

A newly rebuilt escalator at Civic Center Station connecting the platform to the concourse level opened on Friday, January 31st. Soon, work will begin to replace another platform at the station, the last of the four platform escalators to be completely rebuilt. 

Earlier in the month, a brand-new canopy opened at Embarcadero Station. The canopy protects the entrance on the north side of Market Street near Drumm Street. Work is already underway on a new canopy across Market Street near Main Street. 

Meantime, broken glass panels at some of the canopies are being replaced. A total of two dozen panels at Embarcadero, Powell St. and Montgomery St. Stations were vandalized late last year and a suspected perpetrator was arrested

Embarcadero’s panels were replaced the last week of January and the panels at Powell St. and Montgomery St. are expected to be installed in February. The total cost of replacing all the damaged panels is estimated at more than $500,000. 

BART is in the midst of a seven-year project to install 22 canopies above the four downtown San Francisco stations. The canopies protect new escalators being installed and improve the rider experience by providing an added layer of station security and cleanliness through motorized gates that allow the entrances to be locked at street level when stations are closed. 


A new canopy shelters an Embarcadero entrance from the rain

Powell Street Station: elevator out of service July 8-July 12, 2024

UPDATE: Monday, July 15, 2024

The elevator was put back in service on Monday, July 15, 2024 just before 3pm.

UPDATE: Monday, July 15, 2024

Due to unforeseen issues, the estimated return to service date for the elevator is Tuesday, July 16, 2024. 

The concourse to platform elevator at Powell St. Station will be taken out of service on Monday, July 8, 2024 for emergency replacement of cables. The elevator is expected to be back in service by Friday, July 12, 2024.

This is the only concourse to BART and Muni platform elevator at Powell St. Station. Riders will not be able to access the Powell St. Station platforms via elevator from the concourse or street level, nor exit the Powell St. Station platforms via elevator to get to the concourse or street levels.

We recommend riders use the Civic Center or Montgomery Street stations as alternatives. Powell Street Station is 0.4 miles away from Civic Center Station and 0.5 miles away from Montgomery Street Station. Riders can use Muni at street level to travel to and from the Civic Center and Montgomery Street stations. To check if an elevator is in service before arriving at a station, please call 510-834-LIFT (510-834-5438) or 888-2-ELEVAT (888-235-3828), or sign up for elevator status alerts at

If you arrive at any station and find that the elevator(s) are out of service, you may contact a Station Agent to arrange for a lift van to take you to a nearby station with a working elevator.

We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

Entrance Closure Alert: Market and Davis streets entrance at Embarcadero Station to close 8/28 for canopy work

Updated September 21, 2023

The Embarcadero Station entrance at Market and Davis streets is expected to open Tuesday, September 26th will remain upon completion of Phase II work on a new canopy.

Updated September 15, 2023

The Embarcadero Station entrance at Market and Davis streets will remain be closed until at least September 21st as Phase II work on a new canopy continues.

Updated August 31, 2023

The Embarcadero Station entrance at Market and Davis streets will be closed for up to three weeks for the Phase II work on a newly opened canopy. The Phase II work includes installing an access door, new glass panels, and a luminated handrail. The new entrance canopy protects  our escalator at this entrance from the elements to help limit breakdowns.

Original bulletin

On Monday, August 28 the Embarcadero Station entrance at Market and Davis streets will be closed for up to one week for the Phase II work on a newly opened canopy. The Phase II work includes installing an access door, new glass panels, and a luminated handrail. The new entrance canopy protects our escalator at this entrance from the elements to help limit breakdowns.

While this entrance is closed, patrons will still be able to use one of the other entrances to the station. Entrances open during construction include Pine and Market streets as well as Drumm and Market streets.

Over the next 4-5 years BART will construct 16 canopies on Market Street over downtown station entrances.  As part of a separate project, new escalators will be installed at each of these locations following the canopy construction.  In addition to protecting new escalators the canopies will improve safety and reduce station maintenance costs.

We thank you for your patience as we work to complete this important construction project.  For more information on this project visit:

MTC funding plan of state budget funds for transit operations bolsters regional coordination efforts

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s approval today of state budget funds and other regional funds for Bay Area transit agencies bolsters an ongoing regional coordination effort and provides essential stopgap operational funding for transit in the Bay Area. Today’s action is a culmination of hard work led by transit agencies and the MTC to advocate for operations funding to ensure continued transit service throughout the Bay Area.

MTC Commissioners approved a distribution framework for an anticipated $447M in state budget funds from Senate Bill 125 and approximately $300 million of regionally controlled funds to transit agencies while requiring that the agencies enhance the customer experience and improve internal efficiency.

Bay Area transit General Managers are meeting on a weekly basis to enhance coordination between agencies and improve connectivity. This transit network coordination work will require more funding to ensure agencies can continue to run reliable service while also focusing on new enhancements. 

A key component in the decision to allocate these funds will be the continuing implementation of the Transit Transformation Action Plan, a comprehensive plan for better regional transit coordination and improved rider experience. It encompasses closer fare coordination such as the Clipper BayPass pilot, the expansion of Clipper START offering discounts for low income riders, free or discounted transfers between systems, aligning schedules so it’s easier for riders to make connections between agencies, and more understandable mapping and wayfinding with a uniformed approach to signs to help riders navigate their way through transit systems. 

While state funds are vital to continue near-term operations, they fall short of the Bay Area’s funding needs beyond FY26. The MTC and the Bay Area transit agencies are studying options for additional revenues including a regional transportation measure in 2026.

MTC plans to revisit the estimated needs for all operators each year to program the following year’s funding. The proposed programming amounts for all operators across FY25 and FY26 are included in the table below. 

MTC allocation

Transit agency General Managers praise the new funding and support.

BART General Manager Bob Powers said, “This funding from the MTC supports BART’s new Safe and Clean Plan to welcome riders back to our system and it buys us time to explore a sustainable funding model while avoiding devasting service cuts. Our latest data shows our investments are paying off with great improvements in reliability and police presence. BART is also committed to continue working with all Bay Area transit agencies on transformational improvements that will improve service for transit dependent riders and make it easy for people to ditch their cars and take transit instead. We want to thank the Commission for their approval of these funds and their leadership throughout this process.”

SFMTA Director of Transportation Jeffrey Tumlin said: “This is very good news for the nearly half a million people who ride Muni every single day. It gives Bay Area transit agencies more time to recover from the impact of the pandemic, which changed commute patterns and is still taking an economic toll on downtown San Francisco. These funds will keep Muni financially stable for longer than we had expected provided that we don’t expand Muni service beyond current levels. We’d like to thank MTC, the state legislature and the governor for their actions to make this happen. We’re proud that despite our financial challenges, Muni service is safe, clean, fast, frequent and reliable -- and we plan to keep it that way.”

Caltrain Executive Director Michelle Bouchard said: “We are grateful to our state leaders for securing these funds and to MTC for the proposed FY26 allocation to Caltrain that will allow us to continue working with our regional partners to coordinate an easy and integrated experience for Bay Area transit riders. With the launch of electrified service next year, Caltrain will greatly improve our service and the rider experience. Electrification will mean up to 25 minutes in time savings on local trips and increase of service to all the stations, including half hour service during weekends and off-peak hours. The trains will have wi-fi, power outlets at every seat and new safety features. We are proud to keep working on a world-class, modern and climate friendly system that the region deserves.”

Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District General Manager Denis Mulligan said: “We want to thank MTC, the state legislature, and the governor for their continued support of Bay Area transit. These funds are a much-needed shot in the arm that will help us provide first-class bus and ferry service for our customers into the future. We look forward to continued collaboration with our transit agency partners to roll out even more improvements for Bay Area riders.”


Report a Hot or Cold Car

For general comments, inquiries or complaints contact BART Customer Services or report a biohazard. To report a hot or cold car use the form below.( *

Hewitt Collection of African American Art Featured at MoAD

"Art enriches life, enlarges life, expands life." So said Vivian Hewitt, the remarkable woman who with her late husband, John Hewitt, assembled one of the nation's most significant collections of African-American art. The Hewitt Collection of African American Art is on display from Oct. 17 through Jan. 11 at

RTC Agencies

The following Bay Area public transit agencies are participants in the Regional Transit Connection (RTC) Discount Card Program. Cards are issued and recognized by the following agencies: AC TransitAlameda-Contra Costa Transit District1600 Franklin StreetOakland, CA 94612510/891-4777 TDD-428-2266(Pictures

Innovative pilot program results in promising ridership growth for Bay Area transit agencies

New data shows Clipper BayPass a huge success in encouraging the use of transit as it enters its next phase

A two-year pilot program designed to test how an unlimited transit pass would work in the Bay Area has recorded more than 2 million trips among participants in its first year of existence. Clipper BayPass provides 50,000 college students and affordable housing residents with a Clipper card that allows them free, unlimited rides on more than two dozen Bay Area transit systems. 

The next phase of the BayPass pilot program involves recruiting and enrolling Bay Area employers into the program with an announcement of the first major employer that has committed to offering the benefit to employees being announced in the coming days.

The goal of Clipper BayPass is to measure if giving participants a prepaid card that offers unlimited trips and transfers between systems encourages people to take more transit. The latest numbers measuring ridership from the launch of the pilot in August 2022 to August 2023 paint a clear picture:

*Clipper BayPass cards are logging 40% more trips than the average single-agency Clipper card.
*74% increase in transfers between transit operators 
*85% of Clipper BayPass users agree that BayPass helps them travel to new locations in the Bay Area

“In just its first year of existence Clipper BayPass is already establishing itself as a shining example of regional coordination among Bay Area transit agencies,” said BART General Manager Bob Powers. “Clipper BayPass is giving us a vision of the future of Bay Area transit and shows if we make transfers between systems more seamless ridership will increase across the board.”

“It’s exciting to see real-world data on the role fare coordination can play in helping to boost transit ridership,” said Metropolitan Transportation Commission Executive Director Andrew Fremier. “We want to build a more equitable and seamless fare system for the Bay Area. Studying a regional fare pass using students and residents of affordable housing communities shows that commitment.”

Participants in Phase 1 of Clipper BayPass include students at UC Berkeley, San Francisco State University, San Jose State University, and Santa Rosa Junior College as well as residents at affordable housing communities managed by MidPen Housing. 

Clipper BayPass is now Recruiting Employers 

The next phase of Clipper BayPass involving Bay Area employers launches in January 2024. The program will expand to include about 20,000 employees from a diverse range of employers varying by types of industries, employer sizes, and geographic locations. The program is currently recruiting employers looking to be one of the first to offer their employees the benefits of unlimited transit. More information and an interest form are available at

Funding for the Unlimited Pass Pilot

Clipper BayPass is comanaged by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and BART. The MTC Commission has allocated $4.5 million to reimburse transit operators for the cost of trips taken during the first phase of the program. In Phase 2, participating employers will pay MTC for employee transit passes and MTC will reimburse transit operators for employee trips taken.

Thanks to the BayPass, I'm saving thousands of dollars over the course of a semester. And now I can commute without worrying about costs. -San Jose State Student