Office of Civil Rights

Mission Statement

The Office of Civil Rights aims to create a workplace free of discrimination, harassment and retaliation, ensures that those who do business with BART are treated equitably and that BART riders and community members have fair and equal access to our system. OCR is responsible for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, including social justice strategy, policy and program development and implementation at BART.

Office of Civil Rights

Recognizing Our Active Duty and Veteran Employees
Recognizing Our Active Duty and Veteran Employees
Tribute to Dr. Martin Luthur King, Jr.
Tribute to Dr. Martin Luthur King, Jr.
Small Business Outreach Event
Small Business Outreach Event
BART Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month
BART Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month
OCR Staff Conducts Small Business Outreach Event
OCR Staff Conducts Small Business Outreach Event
Small Business Support Services Outreach
Small Business Support Services Outreach


Frequently Visited Webpages

B2Gnow Compliance System

Apply/Renew Certifications

Search for Certified Vendor Directory

Small Business Support Services

Search for Work Plans


Upcoming Outreach Events

Event TitleContact InformationDateTimeRegistration/LinkVenue
Meet the Buyers Procurement ForumDistrict 4 Small Business Program | CaltransWednesday, April 9, 202510:00am-2:00pmMEET THE BUYERS Procurement Forum 2025 

Caltrans District 4 

111 Grand Avenue Oakland, CA 94612


BART and LA Metro Announce New Reciprocity! 

Exciting updates are coming BART’s Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Program starting, January 1, 2025. BART and Metro have joined forces to mutually recognize and accept each other’s SBE certifications. 


BART will now accept Metro-certified SBE firms. As an SBE-certified firm with Metro, your firm can now count towards SBE goals on BART contracts. Additionally, SBE-certified firms with Metro can now count towards BART contracts with SBE goals.



    If your firm is currently SBE certified by only BART, then no action is required, your certification now has reciprocity with Metro.


    If your firm is currently SBE certified by only METRO, then no action is required. Your SBE certification is now recognized by BART.


    If your firm is currently SBE certified by both BART and Metro, then your BART SBE certification record will be phased out in order to reduce dual information. Therefore, you will only need to maintain your Metro SBE record on an annual basis.

If your firm is not SBE certified with either agency, we encourage you to apply at:; for Metro, apply at:

For BART events, news, and current/upcoming contracting opportunities please visit

For Metro events, news, and current/upcoming contracting opportunities please visit Metro’s Vendor Portal at

If you have any questions regarding BART’s SBE Reciprocity with LA Metro, please contact BART’s certifications team at [email protected] or (510) 987-5211.




BART seeks members for Business Advisory Council

The San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (District) is seeking new members for its Business Advisory Council (BAC) for the next term (2024 to 2026) and your organization is invited to apply for membership.

The BAC was established in 2010 to encourage communications between the District and the small business community and to advise the District in its efforts to ensure that small businesses are afforded equal opportunities to participate on District contracts and agreements. Small businesses include Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, Disadvantage Veteran Business Enterprises, Minority-Owned Business Enterprises, Women-Owned Business Enterprises and Micro Small Business Entities.

The BAC currently consists of 14 members representing the small business community covering geographical areas of the District’s service area as well as representation from the following industries: professional services, architecture and engineering, procurement and construction. Committee members serve a two-year period, on staggered terms. Meetings are typically held once every other month from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in-person at BART Headquarters with the option to join virtually (via Zoom).

Members are involved in providing valuable feedback on District contracting, services and procurement policies, programs and practices.

If you are interested in serving on the BAC, please submit an application (linked here), a letter of recommendation from your organization, as well as a cover letter describing your interest. Please submit these application documents to the Office of Civil Rights by emailing [email protected].

Please email our office at the above email address if you have any questions.

Joseph Towner,

Manager of Program Planning and Support

What We Do

The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) is committed to serve internal and external customers with a variety of services to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations and/or programs. The office is comprised of the following divisions: Contract and Labor Compliance Programs, Economic Opportunity Policies and Programs, Workforce and Policy Compliance, and Agreement Compliance Programs.le

Economic Opportunity Policies and Programs

Economics Opportunity Policies and Programs Division is responsible for:

  • Policy analysis and implementation of the District’s equity programs such as the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program, Small Business Program, Minority and Women Owned Business.
  • Semi-annual reporting requirements to the Federal Transit Administration on contract performance on awards and payment data; performs analysis to determine to if projects meet goals; conduct shortfall analysis.
  • Mentor Protégé Programs
  • Equity programs certification for small businesses seeking DBE, SBE, MSBE, LSB, M/WBE certifications.
  • KPIs/SOPs and strategic planning.
  • Oversee the Contracting Plan Application and B2Gnow vendor payment tracking system.
  • Equity Program contract Boiler Plate updates.
  • General outreach to small businesses (provide program awareness, contracting opportunities for current and future projects)
  • Conduct Disparity Study.
  • Facilitate the Business Advisory Council.

For general inquiries and certification related questions, please contact Hoa Sin, Sr. Program Manager at [email protected]  or call (510) 874-7461

For data related inquiries, please contact Joseph Towner, Manager of Program Planning and Support at  [email protected]

Contract Compliance Program

The Office of Civil Rights Contract Compliance Unit (CCU) is responsible for the application and coordination of the District’s Equity Programs on all local, state, and federal funded construction and procurement contracts (“Contracts”).  The District’s Equity Programs include the Small Business, Local Small Business, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise, Small Business Elements, Micro-Small Business Entity, and the Non-Discrimination Program for Subcontracting (collectively “Equity Programs”).  The Equity Programs create a level playing field for the Small Business Community by offering every opportunity to bid and participate on upcoming BART Contracts. 

Additionally, the CCU is responsible for compliance and monitoring of all Contract requirements and activities during Pre-Award and Post-Award Phases. Some of these activities include, but are not limited to the following: 

  • Participate in “Kick-Off” Meetings to discuss unbundling criteria in applicable Contracts.
  • Contract Goal Setting.
  • Review Bid Submittals and Complete Bid Analysis.
  • Participate in Pre-Bid, Pre-Construction and Progress Meetings.
  • Facilitate and coordinate Substitution Process.
  • Coordinate Project Close-Outs

The CCU has a strong commitment, and it is an integral component to the success of the District’s Overall Mission and Equity Programs.

For assistance and general inquiries, please contact Alma Basurto, Manager of Equity Programs, at [email protected] or at (510) 464-6388.

Labor Compliance Program

BART’s Labor Compliance Unit (LCU) is responsible for educating, assisting, monitoring and enforcing prevailing wage requirements of the applicable labor laws to ensure that all contractors and professional services firms working on public works construction projects are in compliance with State (California Labor Code Chapter 1 of Part 7 of Division 2) and Federal (Code of Federal Regulations 29) prevailing wage statutes and regulations.
The LCU’s mission is to: 

  • Create a fair and level playing field among contractors bidding on BART projects by ensuring consistency in enforcement of federal and state labor laws.
  • Ensure that employees working on BART projects are paid prevailing wages.
  • Responsibly administer BART’s Project Stabilization Agreements.

The Labor Compliance Unit monitors compliance with statutory and contractual requirements on District projects by collecting and reviewing certified payroll reports (CPRs) and verifying the accuracy through site visits, the review of project documentation, and worker interviews. 

LCU also initiates the enforcement process in the event of violations. California Labor Code §1726 requires that BART take cognizance of prevailing wage violations, and when BART identifies possible violations, LCU refers them to the State of California's Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) who may order withholding of contract payments, impose penalties, and recover back wages.

For assistance and general inquiries, please contact Jorge Saavedra, Labor Compliance Manager at or [email protected].

Agreement Compliance Program

The Agreement Compliance Unit (ACU) plays a vital role in the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and is responsible for:

  • Pre-Award Agreement Compliance
  • Post-Award Agreement Compliance
  • Review of Agreements issued under the California Department of General Services’ Multiple Award Schedules (CMAS) for the procurement of Information Technology consulting services
  • Review of all District Work Plans
  • Management of the District’s Small Business Support Services Program

Specifically, ACU is responsible for ensuring that all District Agreements comply with the applicable District equity program. Pre-Award compliance includes review of all Agreement Contracting Plans and Request for Proposals; development of applicable goals; serving on selection panels; presenting at pre-proposal conferences; administrating networking events; and reviewing submittals for compliance with the applicable equity program. Post-Award compliance includes reviewing all Agreements for compliance with equity program commitments using B2GNOW, OCR’s compliance management and vendor payment tracking system; reviewing all substitution and addition requests; and coordinating commercially useful function site visits.

Additionally, ACU, in conjunction with Procurement and the Office of Chief Information Officer, has developed and implemented a review process for issuance of agreements under CMAS for the procurement of Information Technology consulting services. The purpose of this review process is to ensure transparency and accountability in the issuance of agreements under CMAS. Under the review process ACU reviews all agreements under CMAS.

ACU also has developed and implemented a review process for all District work plans. The purpose of this review process is to ensure transparency and accountability in the issuance of District work plans. Under the review process ACU reviews all District work plans.

Lastly, ACU oversees the implementation of the District’s Small Business Support Services (SBSS) program in junction with our SBSS consultant, The Allen Group. The SBSS offers support services for small firms seeking to participate in District construction contracts and for small firms currently working on District construction contracts.

For SBSS related questions, please contact James Soncuya, Manager of Small Business Supportive Services at [email protected].

Workforce & Policy Compliance

The Workforce & Policy Compliance Division (WPC) oversees and monitors the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Diversity & Inclusion, Title VI, and Environmental Justice (EJ) programs compliance. The EEO Unit provides strategic direction and leadership to the District's EEO Program, complaint processing procedures, diversity & inclusion, and other related EEO missions of OCR. The Title VI/EJ Unit provides strategic direction and leadership on Title VI and EJ policies, performs equity analyses on all fare and major service changes, notifies the public of their rights under Title VI, and promotes inclusive public outreach to ensure that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, BART's services or programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, or language proficiency.

For Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion related questions, please contact Sabrina Baptiste, Sr. Manager of Workforce Policy and Compliance; Dalmar Ismail, Interim Manager of EEO Programs at [email protected]

For EEO and Training related questions, please contact Dalmar Ismail, Acting Manager of EEO Programs at [email protected]

For Title VI and Environmental Justice related questions, please contact Javieree PruittHill, Manager of Title VI & Environmental Justice at [email protected]

For language assistance services, please contact Jay Jackson, Senior Administrative Analyst at [email protected]