Project Overview

Project Overview

Map and Route of Proposed BART Extension

Map v2

The BART to Livermore Project proposed to extend the BART transit system line 5.5 miles from the existing Dublin/Pleasanton Station to the City of Livermore. The proposed extension would have been within the median of Interstate 580 (I-580) from the Dublin/Pleasanton Station to a new station near the Isabel Avenue/I-580 interchange. A storage and maintenance facility would be required near the system's end-of-line. BART evaluated several potential locations for the storage and maintenance facility and chose a location north of I-580 and west of North Livermore Avenue.  Click here for potential storage and maintenance faciltiy locations. The BART to Livermore Project extension also incorporated an efficient bus-to-BART transfer and a network of express buses to connect the new BART station to other destinations such as Downtown Livermore, the Altamont Corridor Express (ACE) Train Station at Vasco Road, and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Commuters Waiting for BART

Project Benefits

The primary goals of the BART to Livermore Extension Project were to:

  • Provide an affordable and effective transit link from the existing BART system to:
    • Altamont Commuter Express (ACE) stations
    • Key destinations in Livermore, including Downtown Livermore and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Provide an alternative travel mode for automobile commuters that use I-580
    • Alternative to traffic congestion
    • Improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Create opportunities for transit-oriented development and local investment


BART Livermore Timeline

Cost & Funding

Funding for the project was provided through a number of local and regional sources. The cost estimate to design and construct the project is $1.6 billion*.  $635 million or thirty-nine percent of the needed funds had been committed to the design and construction of the project.


Sales Tax - Alameda County Measure BB (2014) $400 million

Regional Bridge Tolls –

Assembly Bill 1171 (2001)

Regional Measure 3 (2018)

Regional Measure 1 (1988)


$80 million

$100 million

$15 million

Local – City of Livermore Impact Fees$40 million
Total Funding

$635 million

*The estimate includes $300M to escalate the cost to the midpoint of construction (2024).