Policies, Plans, and Reports

Annual Sustainability Reports

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Policies and Plans

Sustainability Policy

BART's 2015 Strategic Plan (PDF) identifies several key goals of the District. One of these goals is to advance regional sustainability and public health outcomes. In April 2017, BART’s Board of Directors adopted a revised Sustainability Policy.


BART is committed to advancing regional sustainability by providing safe, affordable, equitable, and environmentally-friendly transit to move people to jobs, recreation and services. BART incorporates cost-effective sustainability through fulfillment of the following goals:

  • Advance smart land use, livable neighborhoods and sustainable access to transit.
  • Choose sustainable materials, construction methods, and operations practices.
  • Use energy, water, and other resources efficiently.
  • Reduce harmful emissions and waste generation.
  • Respond to risks from extreme weather, earthquakes, and other potential disruptions.
  • Improve patron and employee health and experience.
  • Serve as a leader in sustainability for transit agencies and the communities that BART serves.

More details on the goals and strategies can be found in the BART Sustainability Policy (PDF).

Sustainability Action Plan

To implement the Board-adopted Sustainability Policy (PDF), BART has prepared a 10-year Sustainability Action Plan detailing targets, current progress and future actions to integrate sustainability as a standard practice throughout BART's operation. The Plan was created with input from numerous BART departments as well as in coordination with broader regional and American Public Transportation Association (APTA) sustainability goals. The plan is a detailed roadmap that includes performance metrics to measure outcomes of actions that support BART's commitment to provide safe, affordable, equitable, and environmentally-friendly transit.

The following targets are BART's 2025 Commitments:

  • 85% reduction in total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per vehicle revenue mile.
  • 4% reduction in BART's energy use per vehicle revenue mile.
  • 6% reduction in BART's water use.
  • Increase landfill diversion rate and set goal for reduction in waste.
  • 100% of BART project delivery staff trained in BART Facilities Standards (BFS) Sustainability Controls.
  • 100% implementation of high priority actions in the BART Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP).
  • 24% reduction in GHG emissions per passenger associated with access to stations through implementation of the Access and Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Policies.

Target reductions use calculated 2025 Business as Usual (BAU) projections as a baseline.

More details can be found in the Executive Summary (PDF) and the Full Report (PDF).

Wholesale Electricity Portfolio Policy

BART is one of the largest consumers of electric power in Northern California, using about 400,000 megawatt hours of electricity annually. This is about as much as the City of Alameda uses each year. The composition of BART’s power portfolio impacts the greenhouse gas ("GHG") footprint of everyone who relies upon BART. By adopting the Wholesale Electricity Portfolio Policy, BART is strengthening the region's commitment to sustainability.


BART plays a critical role in affecting the environmental footprint of the Bay Area’s overall transportation sector, by providing an alternative to driving that is affordable, accessible, convenient and environmentally-friendly. BART has wide latitude in designing its wholesale electricity portfolio, and has a responsibility to manage its electricity purchases to advance sustainability goals while supporting low and stable operating costs. This BART Wholesale Electricity Portfolio Policy is designed to guide BART’s electric portfolio design activities to support these goals and maintain BART’s role as a transit leader.

Highlights of the policy include performance measures to maintain low and stable BART operating costs, and to achieve a wholesale electric portfolio that:

  • Has an average emission factor no greater than 100 lbs-CO2e/MWh during the period 2017 through 2024 (inclusive).
  • Is from at least 50% Eligible Renewable sources and from at least 90% low and zero carbon sources by 2025.
  • Is 100% from zero carbon sources by 2035.
  • Is 100% from Eligible Renewable sources by 2045.

More details on the goals and performance measures can be found in the BART Wholesale Electricity Portfolio Policy (PDF).

Low Carbon Fuel Standard Policy

The California Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) requires fuel producers to reduce the carbon content of fuels by 10% below 2010 levels by 2020 to help the state meet its greenhouse gas (GHG) emission-reduction goals. As of January 1, 2016, the LCFS was amended to allow “Fixed Guideway Charging” systems, which includes electrically-powered rail systems, such as BART, to generate credits. Transit service providers such as BART reduce regional GHG emissions and support the goals of the LCFS program by taking automobiles off the road, particularly during peak traffic times. With the revenue generated from selling the LCFS credits, BART has the opportunity to both support general operations and further reduce its carbon footprint by advancing sustainability projects.


Consistent with the recently adopted BART Strategic Plan as well as the intent of the LCFS program, the revenues from sales of the LCFS credits will be used to further the following goals:

Support BART sustainability objectives

  • a) as outlined in the BART Sustainability Policy (PDF)
  • b) by supporting BART operations and fiscal health, and
  • c) prioritize investments with environmental and financial returns for BART.

More details can be found in the BART Low Carbon Fuel Standard Policy (PDF).

Electric Vehicle Charging Policy

BART plays a critical role in reducing the environmental footprint of the Bay Area’s transportation sector by providing an alternative to driving that is affordable, accessible, convenient, and environmentally friendly. BART owns and manages more vehicle parking than any other rail operator in California, which creates an opportunity to support electric vehicles (EVs) through charging infrastructure at BART locations. This BART Electric Vehicle Charging Policy is designed to guide BART’s EV charging activities to advance environmental goals, support equitable EV adoption, encourage BART ridership, and maintain BART’s role as a transit leader.

Goals of this policy include:

  • Greener and Healthier Communities: Advance federal, state, regional, and local greenhouse gas (GHG) and pollution-reduction goals.
  • Equitable Access: Deploy and structure EV charging access options equitably.
  • Intelligent and Scalable Operations: Invest in EV charging operations that cost-effectively support access for EV drivers and can scale to support future growth.

More details can be found in the BART Electric Vehicle Charging Policy.

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Hazard mitigation is any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and property from hazards. A hazard mitigation plan identifies the hazards a community or region faces, assesses their vulnerability to the hazards and identifies specific actions that can be taken to reduce the risk from the hazards.

The goal of the District’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan is to maintain and enhance a disaster-resistant District by reducing the potential for loss of life, property damage, and environmental degradation from natural disasters, while supporting economic recovery from those disasters.

Read more about BART's Local Hazard Mitigation Plan.