Ashby Station: Traffic circulation changes starting October 29
Starting Tuesday, October 29th, there will be temporary and permanent traffic circulation changes (see maps) impacting the south driveway on Martin Luther King Jr. Way (MLK Jr. Way). This is part of ongoing work on the bicycle connector project, which will formalize bicycle circulation in and out of the Adeline St. driveway.
For drivers:
- The south MLK Jr. Way driveway will be closed fully for approximately two weeks. Once re-opened, the driveway will be permanently one-way only for drivers entering the station. The north driveway will remain open in both directions.
- The driveway to Adeline St. will remain closed until the end of the project, currently planned for completion by the end of the year.
For bicyclists:
- The south MLK Jr. Way driveway will be closed fully for approximately two weeks. Once re-opened, the driveway will include a two-way bikeway between the station and MLK Jr. Way
- The driveway to Adeline St. will remain closed until the end of the project, currently planned for completion by the end of the year.
- Once completed, the new bicycle facility will provide a connection between Adeline Street and MLK Jr. Way through the BART parking lot, formalizing bicycle circulation in and out of the Adeline Street driveway.
Thank you for your patience as we complete this important work.

Map 1: South MLK Jr Way Driveway and Adeline St exit closed for construction.

Map 2: Permanent changes – South MLK Jr Way driveway will be entrance only for vehicles, and two way for bicyclists. Adeline street driveway will be exit only for vehicles, and entering bike lane. North MLK Jr Way drive will remain two way for vehicles.