Measure RR supports community projects that will make it easier to walk and bike to and from BART
An innovative community partnership initiative that leverages BART capital funding to help local agencies make it easier for riders to safely walk and bike to BART stations is awarding funding to seven projects. The Measure RR Safe Routes to BART (SR2B) grant program’s third and final cycle will provide $16 million in funding for the projects, which are located across the three counties that make up the BART District (Alameda, Contra Costa, and San Francisco). The program is made possible through Measure RR which was approved by District voters in 2016 and provides $3.5 billion to rebuild BART’s core infrastructure to make the system safer and more reliable.
The selected projects are focused on improving bike and pedestrian connections to BART. SR2B makes the most of Measure RR dollars by using them to support projects that can offer a minimum funding match of 30% and can provide evidence of governing body support, a full funding plan, and a minimum of 35% design completion.
Here are the projects selected for Cycle 3 awards.
Project Safe Routes to BART funding
- Lakeside Dr/Lake Merritt Blvd. Complete Streets Paving Project $3 million
- Clement Avenue/Tilden Way: Broadway/Tilden Intersection $2.1 million
- Central Embarcadero Safety Projects $1 million
- Fremont Blvd. Elevated Bikeway $3 million
- Union City BART Pedestrian At-Grade Railroad Crossing $3 million
- Ohlone Greenway Modernization and Safety Project $3 million
- North Bailey Road Active Transportation Corridor Project $0.9 million
The projects awarded SR2B funding were selected from 16 applicants. Equity was a key factor in determining the award recipients. Applicants had to show how projects would improve active access for members of disadvantaged communities. Projects were also graded on readiness, leveraged funding, connectivity, rider experience, community desire, and other factors.
Projects now completed thanks to earlier rounds of SR2B funding include the 5th Street Improvement Project which enhances access to Powell Street Station in San Francisco and the Walnut/Liberty Protected Intersection Project which makes it easier and safer for riders to walk and bike to Fremont Station.