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Virtual town hall scheduled for blind and low vision community on 2/28/23

BART will host a virtual town hall for the blind and low vision community as a follow up to the very successful safety orientation at 19th Street Station in January.

The Town Hall is scheduled for Tuesday, February 28th from 10am to noon. After an introduction from General Manager Bob Powers, the BART Customer Access and Accessibility Department will describe the system’s accessible features for blind and low vision riders, seek input on some upcoming projects and then have an open forum, where we invite the public to share how we can improve service for the blind and low vision community. 

Virtual Town Hall for Blind and Low Vision Community

February 28, 2023 10am to 12pm

Please click the link to join the webinar:

Or One tap mobile :  +16699006833,,87551894241# 

Or Telephone: +1 877 853 5257  Webinar ID: 875 5189 4241

Or an H.323/SIP room system:     H.323: (US West)