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10 Questions with Train Operator Shinita Garza

A photo of Shinita Garza, Train Operator, in a Fleet of the Future cab

Update: Shinita Garza is now a Transportation Supervisor! 


Train Operator Shinita Garza knows that a warm demeanor can make a world of difference. “A friendly smile will keep you ten steps ahead of the game,” she said.

For this iteration of “Ten Questions,” Shinita reveals her favorite songs to sing while working, what you’ll find in her cab, and why she recently had to chase a Pomeranian. The conversation has been edited for clarity.

  1. How long have you worked for BART?

       I have been working at BART now for a little over three years. 

  1. What’s your role at BART?

I am a Train Operator. From what I've learned so far, people tend to perceive Train Operators as the glamourous part of BART! The reaction from people when they find out I operate the train has been wild at times. I don't necessarily view the job that way, but I won’t debate it either.

  1. If you can remember, what is your earliest memory of riding the trains?

Let's see, I remember I lived in North Oakland in the early 90s. My family had actually moved from a pretty rough part of Oakland. I was so glad to be out of that neighborhood. But I still wanted the attend [the junior high school] that was nearby. All my cousins went there, and I didn't want to transfer. So, I had to catch BART from MacArthur Station to the Coliseum Station and essentially walk by the neighborhood that I was so happy to be out of. The BART ride, or the actual action of boarding a train at 13 by myself, just made it feel like a very distant memory to me and a mini adventure to school and back.

  1. What’s something that might surprise us about your job?

The number of pets we have to rescue. Last week I had to rescue an escaped Pomeranian on the aerial between Bayfair and Hayward – absolute insanity!

  1. Name your favorite BART station or route and why.

Anything that does not require taking the train underground. I just enjoy been aboveground in the sun or the rain. You can observe all the neighborhoods and the mountains and lakes going towards Berryessa or the sunsets and sunrises going toward Antioch. It’s all really beautiful and colorful.

  1. What do you typically do to pass the time on the train?

I sing Disney theme songs or 80s sitcom themes or 80s songs in general.

  1. What’s on your desk besides your computer?

I don't have a real desk – just the dashboard and a constant cup of coffee.

  1. If you acquired a decommissioned legacy BART car, what would you transform it into?

I’m really into fantasy. “Lord of the Rings” is my favorite trilogy. It's the best, no debate. I would convert the train into a mini Airbnb in the mountains somewhere, and it would be the most fantastic fantasy-themed room you could rent.

  1. Here’s your chance to brag. What’s something cool about BART you’d like to highlight?

The amount of power in our hands. A single train car weighs roughly 60,000 lbs. Multiply that by 10! And it’s in our hands.

  1. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned at BART? 

A friendly smile will keep you ten steps ahead of the game with any interaction. You can deescalate a situation, make someone feel safe and cared about, earn trust, even if for a moment. All this can be done with a smile. It works out most times.