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Montgomery Street Station entrance closed for construction with limited access through concourse

A large barricade has been set up inside Montgomery Street Station on the mezzanine (concourse) level to facilitate the installation of a new Traction Power Substation. The barricade closes off concourse level access between the two sides of Montgomery Station (see map below). Riders who want to move from one side of the station to the other can do so on the platform level while the barricade is in place. 

The contractor has also constructed a work enclosure on the sidewalk above Montgomery Street Station. This work enclosure fencing on the street level encompasses the Market and 2nd Street BART entrance – closing off the escalator and stairway access at that entrance. The enclosure is in place to allow the contractor to bring in heavy equipment and for the removal of debris from inside the station to make room for the new substation. The nearest escalator/stairway entrance is across the street at Market and Sutter streets.

BART is in the process of adding five new Traction Power Substations throughout the system in order to ensure reliable service in the future. The new substations will also improve our core capacity which will allow us to run additional trains through the Transbay Tube.

Two of the five substations are being built in downtown San Francisco stations, including one at Civic Center and one at Montgomery.

Most work will be carried out between 7am and 5pm with occasional night and weekend work.

Thank you for your patience as we complete this important work.

*This article was originally posted in 2021 and is being kept up to date.

Montgomery Street Station interior barricade layout