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Security grille replacement at multiple stations 7/24-10/31

We are replacing the security grilles in all our stations to improve their performance and enhance station security. The following stations are the next in line for grille replacements:
North Berkeley, Downtown Berkeley, MacArthur, Fruitvale, San Leandro, Bay Fair, Hayward, Daly City, Pleasant Hill/Contra Costa Centre and Walnut Creek.

Stations with multiple grilles/entrances will have grilles replaced on a rotating basis so no more than one or two entrances are closed at the same time. Stations with a single grille requiring replacement will have the work done in such a way so that the entrance will only be partially closed.

Please watch for signs in your station to learn which grilles/entrances will be closed and when.

We apologize for the inconvenience this will cause.


If you need language assistance services, please call BART’s Transit Information Center at (510)465-2278.

如需語言援助服務,請致電 BART 公共交通資訊中心,電話號碼為 (510) 465-2278.

통역이 필요하시면, BART 수송 정보 센터 (510) 465-2278로 전화해 주십시오.

Si necesita servicios de asistencia de idioma, llame al centro de información de tránsito del BART al  (510) 465-2278.

Nếu quý vị cần các dịch vụ trợ giúp ngôn ngữ, xin gọi cho Trung Tâm Thông Tin Chuyên Chở Công Cộng của BART tại số (510) 465-2278.