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BART Plans Limited Morning/Afternoon Charter Bus Service On Friday, July 5

Morning Service: First Come, First Served 7 buses at 5am at El Cerrito del Norte, Walnut Creek, Dublin/Pleasanton, Fremont & West Oakland Stations

BART will provide limited charter bus service to and from San Francisco during the peak commute periods: starting at 5am from five East Bay stations and 3pm - 7pm from San Francisco. Accessible vans will be available.

The limited charter bus service and accessible van service will pick up riders at the following five BART stations: West Oakland, El Cerrito del Norte, Walnut Creek, Dublin/Pleasanton and Fremont stations. At 5am, 7 buses will arrive at each of these stations. Once a bus is filled it will leave for San Francisco. There will be no transfers in West Oakland. This is first come, first served. Each bus carries 50 passengers. The service will only last until all seven buses are filled or 8am, whichever comes first.

BART train service will resume starting at 3pm but the free afternoon bus service home for those with round trip tickets will still be available on Friday.

The trip home will be a direct ride to each of the 5 stations with 7 buses and accessible vans serving each destination from 3pm - 7pm. The last bus and van to each station will leave at 7pm so riders need to arrive before then.