Temporary bus stop relocation during construction at Richmond Station
Starting September 22 and continuing for 2 weeks through October 8, the regular bus stops at Richmond Station will be shut down for repaving 16th Street from MacDonald up to the Station.
The work is being done as part of the construction of the new parking structure.
All bus stops will be relocated to MacDonald Avenue and Marina. All bus lines will still be available; temporary signs will be posted to identify where buses will stop (download the passenger bulletin for a map). The customer drop-off and pick-up areas will be relocated and marked with temporary signs; pedestrian traffic will be able to cross to the station to and from MacDonald Ave. Please watch for and observe temporary pedestrian detour signs during the construction.
The Richmond Station parking structure is being constructed by the City of Richmond as part of the transit village project at the Richmond BART Station. When completed in late 2012, the parking structure will provide 769 parking spaces to replace parking spaces on the east side of the BART Station where the second phase of the Richmond transit village will be constructed.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation, and ask that you observe local parking regulations in the neighborhoods surrounding the BART Station. We apologize for the inconvenience.
For updated schedule information, visit us on the web www.bart.gov or www.actransit.org, on your mobile device http://m.bart.gov, text “BART go” to 468311 or call 511