Escalator out-of-service at Embarcadero Station
Work to end December 2011
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the out-of-service escalator near the corner of Main and Market Streets. Components from the main drive assembly failed, and the entire assembly needs to be rebuilt and the failed components replaced and/or reworked. This is a major undertaking that will require an extensive amount of precision work. This means the escalator will be out of service until December.
We are working hard to complete the work sooner, if possible.
All necessary parts have been identified and the work has started to dismantle the escalator. We are hopeful that we will not find other issues as we proceed, although this is an opportunity to find and replace worn parts we don’t usually have access to.
We recognize the great inconvenience this will cause you, but it will allow us to conduct a full service on the inner workings of the escalator which has not been done in many years. We hope that once this work is complete, it will result in many more years of trouble-free operation.
To check the operational status of the elevator before arriving at the station, please call 510-834-LIFT or 888-2-ELEVAT.
If you need language assistance services, please call BART’s Transit Information Center at (510) 465-2278.
如果需要语言帮助服务,请拨打BART Transit(快速交通)信息中心,电话号码为(510) 465-2278.
통역이 필요하시면, BART 수송 정보 센터 (510) 465-2278로 전화해 주십시오.
Si necesita servicios de asistencia de idioma, llame al centro de información de tránsito del BART al (510) 465-2278.
Nếu quý vị cần các dịch vụ trợ giúp ngôn ngữ, xin gọi cho Trung Tâm Thông Tin Chuyên Chở Công Cộng của BART tại số (510) 465-2278.