Officer training exercises at Millbrae BART Station May 3 and 6
From 10 am to 3 pm on Tuesday, May 3, and Friday, May 6, BART Police will assist the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Department with training exercises at Millbrae Station.
SamTrans is providing a bus for the exercises that will be parked in the surface parking lot. BART will have a train parked at the out-of-service platform in the station. Although the training area itself will be away from customer accessed areas, please do not be alarmed if you hear or observe activity related to this special training. The training will not disrupt regular service schedules.
Please do not be alarmed if you see uniformed officers (including S.W.A.T. officers) accessing the training area or emergency vehicles parked in the parking lot on the training days. We appreciate your understanding of the need for these types of practice events.