Planning and Development

The San Francisco Bay Area is expected to welcome 2 million more residents and 1 million more jobs by 2050, as estimated by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s Plan Bay Area 2050. As the Bay Area grows, so will the need for BART. Planning will help make BART better, safer, and more useful for Bay Area residents and workers for years to come. 

Discover how we’re taking on today’s challenges to make sure growth is strategic, community focused, sustainable and fiscally responsible.

Planning Policies

Board of Directors’ policies that guide BART’s planning and development work, including the Strategic Plan Framework, Station Access Policy, and others. 

System Development Planning

Preparing current and previous studies of major BART system extensions, new stations, and expansions to core capacity. 

Station Area Planning

Preparing studies, programs, and conceptual projects that prioritize improvements to our passenger stations and their surrounding areas to enhance transit ridership and connections to communities.

Transit-Oriented Development

Bringing well-designed high-density development adjacent to its transit stations.   

Art Program 

Engaging artists to enrich rider experience, connect to communities, and enhance the BART system.


Advancing regional sustainability by providing safe, affordable, equitable, and environmentally friendly transit to move people to jobs, recreation and services.  

The Role in the Region Study

The Role in the Region Study provides insights into emerging trends and outlines BART’s benefits to the Bay Area through illustrative data, personal narratives, and factsheets, culminating in a comprehensive final report.

BART Metro: 2030 and Beyond Study

The BART Metro 2030 and Beyond study evaluated future service ideas that account for exciting upgrades that are currently underway or planned at BART. The study considered possible new service concepts that could provide more options for riders, and evaluated them under two potential ridership demand scenarios. The study developed a list of improvements that would support implementation of those service concepts in the mid- and long-term.